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The roles of the Staff

Posted by Dexwid the June 25 2022 17:42
Information 🔗


Papy du staff NG
Ψ Former player Ψ

Registered since :
February 22 2016

Posted messages : 262

Hello everyone, this post aims to clarify the role of each rank present on NationsGlory.

===================== High Administration =====================

Founder / Co-Founder

They are responsible for all the platforms of NationsGlory, they manage the store, the managers, they are there to answer to the problems of stores or problems related to the site, manage the communication. They are also the ones who create the new gameplay on NG. They also participate in the development of all platforms.

Administrator Manager

As the name of the rank indicates, they are responsible for the administrators, but also for the staff in general, they make sure that the servers are as pleasant as possible. They manage all the servers without exception. Among their wide range of tasks, they are responsible for the creation of inter-server events and your well-being on the forum. They are also there to answer any questions that the administrators cannot answer, without being a way to bypass them.

===================== Miscellaneous managers =====================

Communication Manager

This one manages the communication in a very broad sense. Indeed it can go from communication on social networks, participation in conventions or the establishment of contracts with personalities (Youtuber / Streamers / Authors). It is also him who manages the attribution and the supervision of the Youtuber / Streamer grades on the servers.

===================== Staff server =====================

===================== Supervisors =====================


The administrator rank defines the line of conduct and the direction of the server. He must manage the moderation and super moderation of his server. Choose the right RP directions for the server and anticipate desired changes from the top administration. Answer questions that the Super Moderators can't answer.

Super Moderators

They help the Administrators in the realization of their ambitions. They supervise the moderators, they are OP on their servers and are therefore able to solve any problems that do not require the agreement or intervention of an Administrator. They answer questions that the moderators cannot answer.

===================== Helpers =====================


They are there to answer questions, moderate the chat, make sure that your gameplay is the best possible without being disturbed by the behavior of others. Have a good game on our servers ?

Dexwid, Ex Responsable administrateur

21 Janvier 2024: Départ du staff NG
› 09 Mai 2020: Responsable Administrateur
› 25 Mars 2020: Administrateur - Lime (Ouverture)
› 04 Janvier 2017: Administrateur - Yellow
› 08 Décembre 2016: Super-Modérateur - Blue
› 05 Mai 2016: Super-Modérateur - Red
› 04 Avril 2016: Modérateur + - Red
› 06 Mars 2016: Modérateur - Red
› 21 Février 2016: Modérateur Test - Red

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